You already know how expensive it has become to buy food for your family. As you know, we run two food pantries in the city of Worcester. One is at our Little Store, and the other is the Saint Oscar Romero Food Pantry at the Cathedral of Saint Paul.
For the past six months, we have been tracking an increase in families passing through the doors of both pantries, although the biggest increase has been at Saint Oscar Romero. We have gone from one hundred families per week to almost one hundred and seventy-five families per week. This has forced us to make weekly trips to the Worcester County Food Bank in order to keep our shelves full of food. In the past, we would go the food bank once per month and only occasionally make a supplementary pickup.
Each of the food pantries is staffed by volunteers. They help pass out the food, do the data entry so we can report to the Worcester County Food Bank the number of families served and the number of people served, they organize the food, and some go the the food bank to pick up food. If you are interested in volunteering, email us at