It is our hope that this site will inform you about our work, inspire you to perform a “reckless act of caring,” and become a volunteer in helping.
You will not find theological or philosophical discussions here- but you will find stories! Stories about everyday people, some who need a little help, some who need a fair amount of help and some who are in dire straights. It is our hope that these stories will move you to feel compassion for all peoples. You will also find opportunities to participate in these works of kindness. You can participate in many ways: donating your time, goods or wealth; by praying for those whom we serve and for those who serve; and by letting yourself be moved to action. I do not mean to diminish what you are already doing: I want to encourage you to go on- to give more, to pray more, and most especially, to love more!
We love to hear from those that help us do God’s work. You can email us, write us or phone us. We listen, discuss, and sometimes argue- but we always find ourselves better from talking with you. Many of the things we do today come from ideas that people like yourself raised. For example, our Christmas Giving Program, launched in 1983, came from a parishioner of St. Rose of Lima parish in Northborough, Massachusetts. When the goal is giving and helping- the possibilities are endless.
Welcome to our little corner of God’s vineyard!