The LittleStore
The LittleStore is located at 242 Canterbury Street in Worcester Massachusetts. The thrift shop, which funds the vital work that Urban Missionaries of Our Lady of Hope does to help local people in need, features donated items — some of which are new and some that are used. We’re open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The LittleStore has almost everything a family needs to survive at very low prices. We have a wide selection of clothes, shoes, household goods, furniture and more. Our prices are so low that whenever a first-time customer comes to the store, they are pleasantly surprised to find just how little it costs to shop at the Little Store.
Every item is offered for a suggested minimum donation. These LS Items We Need items are donated to the LittleStore by people who know us or have heard about the store. Often the donations are remarkable, and in some cases, they’re of such quality and value that our Little Store patrons can obtain things they never expected to be able to own. And thrifting benefits our world’s environmental health as well as its financial health.
We ask those who need truck service to pick up their donations to make a cash donation to help with truck expenses. We ask the LittleStore customers who select the items to also make a relatively small cash donation. In this way, both the givers and the receivers contribute to the ongoing financial stability of the store, each according to his or her abilities.