Goes out to Margarita Perez for becoming a U.S. Citizen! For Margarita, it was a long journey that began in June 2019 when she started to study English with Deacon Tony Fiore. Margarita was a serious and committed student, a “teacher’s dream!” She studied hard, studied on her own at home, and even walked almost three miles to classes when she didn’t have access to a car.
She progressed and moved on to studying for
citizenship, except then came the long break during
the COVID shutdown. Although our shutdown wasn’t
too long, the federal government shutdown was long.
Margarita and Tony continued their lessons via
Zoom. Around September 2020 Margarita and her
daughter both submitted their citizenship applications
to USCIS but everything just came to a halt. Even
when the USCIS offices reopened, the backlog was
tremendous. “Wait” was the byword. Margarita and
Tony kept Zooming and Wait, Wait, Wait!
Finally, after a two-year wait, she was scheduled for
an interview last fall. She commented that she knew
every question she was asked, “Thanks to Tony!”
And the result, as you can see from the photo was a
success. Congratulations, Margarita! Your dream
came true.