It is with great sadness that we inform you all that a beloved volunteer, John, passed away last month. John was a constant fixture in The LittleStore, and the staff remember him fondly. The men and women who volunteer here and give of themselves and their time can tell you it is no easy task. There is a constant need for help here, and John filled it every week with a smile and, so often, a joke.
We can tell you that John always thought of the little things. Lost screws and bolts didn’t stay lost long when John was on the job. Whenever he found something while sweeping the store, he would bring it to us, so we could repair the item it was from. It is for those little things we will miss him most. We especially miss the thoughtful way he helped ensure every item was fit for the people we serve.
One place John never missed visiting every time he came was our meditation room. John always came upstairs for our weekly prayer services and it is here at our service that some of us miss him most of all.
Please say a prayer for John and his family.
Rest in peace, John.