Honorariums & Memorials

Honorariums can be given in the name of any person or event by sending a donation to the Urban Missionaries of Our Lady of Hope.

A letter of notification will be sent in your name. Please send the name of the person or event being honored, where the acknowledgment should be sent and your name and address.

In Honor of:

  • Lucy Lambert by James and Michelle Welch
  • Deacon Paul Audette by Reverend Edward Niccolls
  • Fr. Tom Kelleher by Eileen Charbonneau


Memorials can be given in memory of a deceased person by sending a donation to the Urban Missionaries of Our Lady of Hope.

A memorial card in your name will be sent to the family. Please send us the name of the person being remembered, where the acknowledgment should be sent and your name and address.

In Memory of:

  • Irene Amsden and Reverend James Kerrigan by Lynne Amsden
  • Blanche Dacier Cross by Carol Johnston
  • James McCaffrey by Deacon Joseph and Mrs. McCaffrey
  • Sr. Yvonne Millman SSA by Mary and Bill Szymczak
  • Mary Mulhern Bartholomew by David Bartholomew
  • Paul Myrick on the occasion of his birthday by Mr. and Mrs. Thiem Luu
  • Robert DeJoie by Jane DeJoie
  • Irene Healy by Maureen Crowley
  • Ed McDevitt by Anne Gryncel
  • Deacon and Mrs. John Cahill by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lisauskas